Discounts - Part 5: Limits tab

Limit provides you with the ability to set a maximum use for any particular discount. These include the four options detailed below.

Limits is an optional feature when building discounts.

This feature is not activated on all sites. If you're interested in setting up ecommerce on your site, please contact Saffire Support.

Spark location: Commerce > Discounts > Add Discount

Uses Per Code

This can set how many times each code can be used. If you are sending out individual codes to each customer (or printing unique codes on materials) then you'll want to set these to single use Promo Codes. If you are sharing the same promo code to multiple people, then you'll either want to set this as a much higer threashold OR not set it as a limit at all.

Units Per Code

You can choose how many individual products (ticket or merchandise) that can be discounted for each code. Similar concept to the previous limit.

Subtotal Value Per Code

What is the total dolar amount you're willing to discount for each code. If each code can be used to discount up to $20.00, you can set that as a limit.

Subtotal Value of ALL Codes

This is a limit for the discount as a whole, not set at the individual code level. You can have a single code tied to this discount or thousands shared with your customers. You can set this limit to say you're discounting a max of $1,000.00 or any other dollar ($) amount.

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