Discounts - Part 7: Codes tab
Quick Add
Bulk Add: Create
Bulk Add: Import
Code errors
Initial Setup
Discounts tab
Add-on tab tab
Qualifier tab
Limits tab
Waive Fees tab
Buy X, Get Y Free (BOGO)/The Codes tab is the final part building out your Discount. You will have options to create codes manually (one by one) using the Quick Add button, import codes from existing file (CSV or XLSX), or generating FINAL STEP for creating discounts.
This feature is not activated on all sites. If you don't see this feature in Spark, contact Saffire Support.
Spark location: Commerce > Discounts > Add Discount
Quick Add
To easily add codes to your discount, you can enter the code into the textbox and click the Quick Add button to add them to the list. You'll then see the popup of Code successfully added.
Bulk Add: Create
If you are wanting to generate discount codes and you don't have a list of pre-existing codes, you can create them by:
- Click on the Bulk Add button
- Switch to the Create tab
- Enter the quantity of codes you need to create and determine what the Code Length should be (between 6 to 20 characters)
- Click Save
These new codes will be listed on the page if you need to export them or see their usage.
Bulk Add: Import
If you have a list of discount codes that you'd like to be added to your newly build Discount, you can add them by:
- Click the Bulk Add button
- Switch to the Import tab
- Upload a single column file of your codes
- Click Save
These new codes will be listed on the page if you need to export them or see their usage.
NOTE: This import can be either a CSV or an XLSX file and should include only a single column of codes, no added header.
Code Errors
Quick Add Errors
If you are trying to Quick Add a code that already exists (either on the same Discount or another one on your site), then you will receive the following error:
If you need to move this code to this new discount, you can Deactivate & Delete the code from wherever else it was used.
Import Errors
If you import a list of codes and there are any codes that already exist in that import, you will receive an error on the bottom of the Add Codes popup similar to the example below:
This will also immediately download an XLSX file with two columns of all of the problem Codes and the Reason why they haven't been imported.