Event & Business Essentials



The Saffire platform includes two searchable databases: one for Events, the other for Businesses. These allow you to add, edit, categorize and manage information, then present it to your users in an intuitive, searchable interface. 

So what's the difference between the two? And when should you use them?

Event Essentials


First Steps
Event Categories
Event Locations
Events Dashboard
Adding an Event Page
Event Modules
Event Templates

Any content you intend to post on your site which has a date - and possibly a time - should be FIRST created as an Event. This will automatically add it to your event calendar. After that, you can include links to the event page from anywhere on your site - such as within the main navigation (site map), in homepage features, and on other pages. 

Event pages provide the same layout options as dynamic pages, using sections and modules to present your event content the way you want, with the added functionality of 'feeding' your calendar. This just makes it easy for your site visitors to find events and, when appropriate, purchase tickets.  

The links included with this section (under Creating Events) will show you how to use the key Event tools.

Business Essentials


First Steps
Business Categories

Business Locations
Businesses Dashboard
Add a Business Page
Business Modules
Business Templates

Business pages are extremely similar to Event pages - except they don't have dates associated with them. This database is often used as a searchable directory of local restaurants, hotels, and/or attractions - but it's not limited to that. We've also seen it used for categorizing vendors, as well as local artists. 

Talk with your Client Experience Manager to see if your site can benefit from using this feature. The Business database might need to be activated on your site.

The Businesses and Events stand apart as unique databases, yet they do share a common 'locations' data field. So if a user clicks on the linked location on either of these page types the resulting page displays a list of businesses and events at that location. 

The links included with this section (under Creating Businesses) will show you how to use the key Business tools.

There's no option for displaying events on business pages, nor businesses on event pages.

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