Ticket Templates: Default vs. Custom

Let's chat about Ticket Templates. "Out of the box", your site default ticket templates have a ton of great features that you can use without having to reach out to Saffire Support.

Full Page Template (Online)

Below you can see an example of a Standard Full Page Ticket Template, utilizing all of the tools you already have at your fingertips on the Product Editor:

  • Advertiser Image
  • Custom Advertiser Text
  • Ticket Details - Everything from the Product Name, Price Type, Seat Details (only shows when using SaffireTix™ Reserved Product)
  • Order Number

    With the Purchased by Date & Name (if collected)

  • Your Organization Name, Address, and URL
  • SPONSORED BY Section. This can hold up to four (4) unique Ticket Sponsors that is customizable for each product or you can set up Default Ticket Sponsors to show on all tickets.
  • Be sure to set up Default Ticket Sponsors for your tickets, however you can still change them on an individual ticket if you're selling a 'special' ticket that maybe has different ticket sponsors!
    • This is a great way to bring in additional revenue! Reach out to your Event sponsors to inform them of the opportunity to get their names & logos on every individual's online tickets. The only place these sponsors won't show is if they are in a mobile wallet. (you can refer to the image of an Apple Wallet Ticket below) 

Now, we know that you may need something a little more tailored to suit your needs. We can create custom Ticket Templates that may utilize a different logo or address. Perhaps you want a custom graphic to display in a few different places on the ticket. We've created this guide for you. 

NOTE: using the “Top Area” removes the ability to use Advertiser Text and Advertiser Image on a product, and utilizing the “Bottom Area” will remove the default ‘Sponsored by’ section. 

375x200px for the top image and 625x225 for the bottom. If images are at this same size ratio, but larger, we can always size it down to fit that area, but these are what the final "safe" max sizes.

Because of pixilation and HTML image-rendering, if you want to provide images at 2x that size, the final rendering on a printed ticket might look nicer. So that would be:

TOP IMAGE: 750x400px saved as PNG

BOTTOM IMAGE: 1250x450px saved as a PNG.

Microcom / Boca Templates (Web Box Office)

Our Standard Microcom (or Boca) template is most likely the default used on your site. This template is packed with all the important details for your event.

The standard set-up of these tickets are as follows:

  • Official Organization Name
  • Product Name
  • Product Date/Time
  • *Seat Category - Price Type

    *Section, Row, Seat #

  • Price
  • Site URL
  • Ticket Note (entered on the ticket face tab of the product editor)

*only applicable for SaffireTix™ Reserved

There are a few changes we can do to the Microcom/Boca Templates that can make a large impact on your venue if you'd like. 

The example below has the following changes:

  • Removed Official Organization Name
  • Added the Order # and a label to notify if the ticket was reprinted to the left side of the ticket
  • Added a large REPRINT label to display under the QR Code and Order number on the right/perf tab of the ticket.

Apple Wallet (iPhone) Ticket

iPhone Xr - Apple Wallet Ticket Front

iPhone Xr - Apple Wallet Ticket Back

Apple Wallet (Apple Watch) Ticket


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