Price Types

Price Types provide the tools to add pricing options within your products. This allows you to create - for example - a single 'admission' ticket with separate pricing for adults, kids, seniors, etc. You can add as many price types as you wish, and make them as specific as you need.

They also have superpowers: each price type can override the sellable dates and/or the sellable location set for the master product. They can even have custom redemption rules.

Note: All price types within a product will pull from the same inventory (when an inventory is required). If your tickets need to sell from unique inventories, they will need to be built as separate products.

Also: All price types within a product will display the same Digital Tickets background color. If you prefer to display unique colors for each price, they will need to be built as separate products.

Spark location: Commerce > SaffireTix > Price Types

Add Price Type

When adding a Price Type, give it a unique name which is clear & obvious to your customers. By default, the Price Type(s) will appear printed on your tickets, but this can be deactivated per type. You'll also need to indicate the following:

  • product type (general admission and/or reserved)
  • whether it should be considered the default for the product type
  • whether it is transferable

  • Once created, you can edit or copy a price type by hovering over the pencil icon.
  • The page also shows you the number of active products which are using each price type, and you can click the links to see the associated product list.

Be careful about deactivating Price Types which show no active products. After doing so, if you activate a product still using that price type, you'll likely experience some confusion & concern as to why that product isn't selling when it seems that it should be. The Price Type would also need to be activated.

Adding Price Types via products

Sometimes you may need to add a price type 'on the fly' as you're creating or editing a product. Rather than leaving the product page and jumping over to the price type page, you can add a price type from the 'Sales' tab in a product. Click 'Select Price Types'...

...then choose 'Create new price type'...

...which opens the 'Add Price Type' window.

Override Sellable Dates

Each active product channel is required to have sellable start & end dates. Yet each Price Type can override those dates (within the product's sellable date range), allowing you to schedule price changes without needing to create separate products.

Here's an example of a product with two prices for an Adult ticket. The overall dates are from 11/1 to 12/31 - but one price type is set to sell only in November, the other in December.

To set specific dates for the price types, visit the product's Sales tab and click on the price type you want to adjust. Check the box for 'override sellable dates'. Start & End date is required (times are optional), then 'Close & Continue'.

Override Box Office Sellable Locations

After you've set the sellable locations for your Box Office products on the Sales tab... can customize the sellable locations for each price type. From the Sales tab, click on the price type. This opens a window where you'll click 'Show Advanced Options', and finally 'Override Box Office Sellable Locations':

Another window will open where you can choose the box office locations where that price type can be sold:

After making your selection(s), 'Close & Continue' that window, then 'Close & Continue' the remaining window. Note: The only place where this setting will be visible is in the price type window.

Setting a custom sellable location for a price type, combined with setting specific location access for your users, allows you to limit access for certain products to certain people. The best example of that would be allowing only specific users to sell $0 (comp) products/price types.

Custom Redemption Rules

On the Redemption tab of your product, check 'Enable Price Type Redemption Rules', then click 'Select Price Types':

Choose the price types which need custom redemption rules, then 'Close & Continue'

The Price Types will appear at the bottom of your screen...

Clicking on a price type allows you to customize the scannable dates and/or redemption limits:

Be sure to 'Close & Continue' when you're done!

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