Reports - Sales, Redemption, Inventory

Track your SaffireTix™ activity with the Sales Report, Redemption Report, Inventory Report, and Scannable Products Overview.

Sales Report

This allows you to view all sales that have happened for your events. It breaks down your ticket sales into multiple views and allows you to export the results.

Spark location: Commerce > Reports > Sales

The first thing you'll see is a graph of your sales over a given period of time that you can specify (in the top left corner of the page). You will also see a drop down menu where you can choose how you want your sales to show: By Product, Location, Date, User, Tender Type or User Reconciliation. The Filters drop down menu allows you to filter the Sales Report by Category or Channel (Online, Box Office, or Pre-Printed). This will help you narrow down your results.

Below the graph, you'll see all the detailed information with regards to your filtered parameters. Sort the report (the report below is sorted as sales " By Product"), then you cill see a breakdown of products purchased, redemption (in number and percentage), as well as your revenue breakdown and customer fees.

Lastly, you have the ability to print the report (with or without the graph), email it, or export the sales report detail into an excel spreadsheet.

Redemption Report

This allows you to view all of your ticket redemption in real time. This report looks very similar to the Sales Report, but only shows redemptions based on what has been purchased.

Spark location: Commerce > Reports > Redemption

Just like the Sales Report, the Redemption Report allows you to choose the date range and allows you to sort by Product, Location, Date, User, and Location by Product. You're also able to Print, Export, and Email this report.

Below is an example if you sort your Redemption Report " By Product". You can click on the + icon next to the product in order to see additional information. From this snapshot, we can see that there was 1 ticket for Clay Walker redeemed on August 25th at 1pm.


Inventory Report

The Inventory Report  provides you with very specific data about your ticket sales. This report's columns will show you how many seats or tickets are available, on hold and sold.

Spark location: Commerce> Reports > Inventory 

To generate this report, By Product is a good first filter, but you can also select the category of products you'd like to view with the Filters dropdown. Click GO to see your data!

Scannable Products

This overview allows you to view a snapshot of all your products that are setup and able to be scanned.

Spark location: Sales > Reports > Scannable Products 

The overview shows the Products and Redemption Rules associated with that product. It's a quick way to check that your products have the right redemption rules and if you need to change anything, you can just click on the Product hyperlink to edit it!
NOTE: Products only show on this report if it has been sold, this isn't for future sales. 

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