Text/Gallery Module

The Text/Gallery module allows you to add text and/or images/videos on any event, business, or dynamic page.

The text editor operates like other editors you're probably familiar with. Detailed information on the text editor tools are in the article Using the WYSIWYG.

If you add images or videos, you can choose how they align next to the text:

To edit/crop the images, click the image or the PowerDots (top right corner of the image) and select edit.

For detailed instructions on cropping, take a look at this article: Cropping

If you add only one image you'll also have a 'centered' alignment option as well as MORE OPTIONS in the bottom left corner of the module. 

  • Crop to Box - will crop the image into a square.
  • Include Border- will add a border to the image
  • Include Shadow - will add a drop shadow behind the image
  • Allow Image to enlarge - allows the image to fill as much space as it can.

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