7.2 Release Notes
Customize Digital Wallet Ticket Color
Quick Checkout Mode
Purchases Report Enhancements
Convert from Hold in Order Management
Other Improvements
Updates to the Saffire platform for this month, November '23, include...
- Customizing colors for Digital Wallet Tickets by product
- Quick checkout mode for your customers online
- Purchases Report enhancements including a new search optimization and the return of the product column on this report
- Adding the ability to convert seats from a Hold status to an order using Order Management
As always, we encourage you to read the notes below, try out the new features for yourself and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Customize Digital Wallet Ticket color
Spark Location: Commerce > Products > select product and click Edit > Ticket Face tab
With the release of this new tooling, you can now select custom background colors for your digital tickets that get added to an Apple Wallet or Google Wallet. This is set on the product level, meaning you can easily define that all of your Parking tickets will be displayed a different color than your admission tickets for example. Additionally, as part of this release, you can now preview how these tickets will appear in the wallet on the Ticket Face tab.
By clicking on the color selector on the top left of this screen, you can use the eyedropper icon to select a color from any source on your computer display.
If you have specific brand colors, you can switch between different input options using the up/down arrows on the bottom for:
- or HEX
Additionally, you can just click into the color gradient to manually select any color.
Quick Checkout Mode
We have added the capability for your customers to checkout on your website using only credit card information and Billing Postal Code. This change means that your customer no longer has to complete a full billing address when completing a purchase, meaning faster and more efficient sales if you enable this configuration. The goal of this new feature is to assist you to sell from within lines at an event. The biggest barrier for customers to complete a purchase is usually the amount of information needed to complete the checkout process, so with this they can purchase tickets and get out of the physical lines to reduce lines at points of purchase.
Purchases Report Enhancements
Search Improvements
Spark Location: Commerce > Reports > Purchases Report
Box Office Location: Top right Order History icon
We have improved the performance of the Search on the Purchases Report and in the Web Box Office. You will now have the ability to define which fields you want to search. This will result is a faster result and more accurate information. The field that you can currently search are:
- Order/Invoice #
- Last name
- Last 4 of CC
- Phone number
Product column in Purchases Report
Spark Location: Commerce > Reports > Purchases Report
Due to feedback that many of you have provided, we have brought back the Product column in the Purchases Report. You can now see, at-a-glance, the first product on an order/invoice. If there are multiple different products on an order/invoice, you'll see a link within this column that tells you how many other products are on this order. By clicking on this link, you will go to the Order Viewer to review what is on that order.
Convert from Hold in Order Management tools
Spark Location: Commerce > Reports > Purchases Report > Edit Order
You can now convert a seat from a hold to a sale using order management.
When you edit an order and would like to add a held seat, you can use the normal workflow to choose the product and when the map opens to pick your seat, you will have the ability to switch tabs between "PICK AVAILABLE SEATS" & "PICK SEATS ON HOLD" to convert those to a sale.
Additionally, we have included a callout to which Hold Type the seats were previously on when you have the seats added to the order:
Other Improvements
- Enhancements to Hive for email signups using this 3rd Party Integration
Cancelled and Transferred BlastPass tickets are now supported in RFID redeemable products.
Added a callout within our Forms Editor to remind you that if your form is collecting any personal data, you must provide a short explanation as to the intention of use for the data collected.
Reminder that the collection of any sensitive personal information is prohibited from within the Forms tool, including the following information:
- Political affiliations
- Religious beliefs
- Philosophical beliefs
- Race or ethnicity
- Sexual orientation
- Health data
- Biometric data
- Criminal history
- Credit or financial data - including credit card numbers
- Trade union and membership information
- Personal identification (ID) numbers — license, social security, state ID cards, passports