Crop Homepage Feature Images

Your homepage feature images may need to be cropped to look their best in the space available. If your image doesn't match the recommended size for the specific feature, use the 'crop image' button after uploading your image in the edit window. 

Spark location:

Site Map > Homepage Features
Tools > Homepage Features

Crop Image

The Crop Image button will open a new window where you can click & drag your mouse over the image.

When the 'Lock aspect ratio' box is checked, the rectangle you draw will always match the aspect ratio of the space on the homepage. The final image is shown as a preview on the right.

If you uncheck the box, what you see on the left won't necessarily match what will be seen on your homepage. The crop tool will use the center of the selected space to fill the preview.

Also, if there's white space appearing in the preview, that white space will also appear on your homepage.

One more thing... if you crop too much of an image, a warning will appear below the cropper: "Image size warning - images smaller than 400 pixels wide may not fill your site features optimally". Keep an eye on the preview window to see if your cropped image is getting blurry - that's a sure sign you're not going to be happy with the end result.

Once you've made your crop, click Save in the Crop window - then scroll down in the Edit window and click Save again.

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