Ticketing Product Categories
Add a Category
Managing Categories
Products Within a Category
Product Categories are not visible to your customers - they're used for sorting & filtering products on the products dashboard and when viewing reports. You can refine your filtering even further by adding sub-categories.
A good rule to follow is creating a category for the current year (such as '2024 Fair') and use sub-categories for the types of tickets (admissions, comps, grandstand, vip, etc).
From the dashboard you'll be able to add new categories, manage your existing categories, see which products are within specific categories, and add subcategories to a main category.
Spark Location: Commerce > Product Categories
Add a Category
You have three options here...
- add a single category, then Save & Close
- if you intend to enable sub-categories choose Save & Continue
- if you want to create multiple categories choose Save & Add Another. After adding your final category, choose Save & Close.
Managing Categories
- You can filter the categories and/or sub-categories shown on the dashboard by using the dropdown menus above the top blue bar.
- Hover over a pencil icon to Edit or Deactivate a category.
• Use the Edit option to enable Sub-categories if they're not already enabled.
• When deactivating, if there are active products associated with the category, you'll be provided with the opportunity to move the products to a different category.