Event Import Tool

Spark includes functionality for uploading events in bulk via a custom spreadsheet. There are some guidelines you need to follow to ensure the data gets mapped to your event listings correctly.

Download the Template

To get started, select the Import link on the Events Dashboard...

Then, download the template. We recommend downloading a fresh copy each time you use the importer to ensure you're getting the most up-to-date version. Older templates will fail to import.


  • There are two tabs at the bottom of the template - Events, and Items. When you open the template it will default to the Items tab.

  • The Items tab is used when loading instances of an event with multiple dates, times and/or locations, such as when a magician performs on various stages. If you have only a single instance of an event, you can switch to the Event tab and ignore the Items.

    • The template columns cannot be modified - not by renaming them, nor moving them, deleting them or adding to them. Any of these modifications will cause the upload to fail.
  • Required fields appear in boldface among the many column headers... but there are some exceptions when adding Items. See the notes in 'Event with Items' below.
  • You can make unlimited uploads to your Event listings - but the importer will not overwrite or update any existing events or items. If you need to make changes to an existing entry, it will need to be edited from the Events Dashboard.

Event Only

For events with a single date, time and location. Switch to the Events tab at the bottom of the sheet.

Required fields:

  • Name (of the event)
  • Primary category
  • Year
  • Start Date


  • If you're using a Category with sub-categories activated, the appropriate sub-cat must also be added to the template
  • If a category name is mispelled, a new category will be created based on the typo. This can be correctly fairly quickly by using the bulk actions on the Events dashboard to move events to the correct category, but it's easier to avoid this step from the get-go.
  • If no end date is included with an event, the calendar interprets it as a single-day event.
  • If 'Type' (column H) is not selected, the event will be added as a Quick Event
  • If 'Location mode' (column U) is not selected, the event will be added in Event Location Mode


  • Add just a few events (not more than 5) to the template and do a test import to ensure your data is matching up with the event calendar correctly. You can always delete (after deactivating) these test events if necessary.
  • Once you know that the importer is happy with your data, limit your uploads to around 300 events at a time. This should avoid the possibility of browser timeouts during lengthy data transfers.
  • If errors occur, the importer will automatically download an Error file to your computer. This file will show you the name, line number and the reason for the error.

Event with Items

For events with multiple dates, times and/or locations. You'll use BOTH tabs at the bottom of the sheet.

Required fields... pay close attention to these settings:

  • On the Events tab:
    • Name
    • Primary Category
    • Type - set column H as 'full page event' for each entry
    • Year
    • Location Mode - set column U as 'item' for each entry
  • On the Items tab:
    • Event name (this MUST match the name on the Events tab - exact spelling is crucial)
    • Year (this MUST match the year on the Events tab)
    • Location
    • Start Date


  • If an Items field is not listed above as required, it is not required even if it is shown bold on the Items tab. (this will soon be corrected)
  • If you're using an Event Category with sub-categories activated, the appropriate sub-cat must also be added to the template
  • If a category name is mispelled, a new category will be created based on the typo. This can be correctly fairly quickly by using the bulk actions on the Events dashboard to move events to the correct category, but it's easier to avoid this step from the get-go.
  • If no end date is included with an item, the calendar interprets it as a single-day event.


  • Add just a few events (not more than 5) to the template and do a test import to ensure your data is matching up with the event calendar correctly. You can always delete (after deactivating) these test events if necessary.
  • Once you know that the importer is happy with your data, limit your uploads to around 300 events at a time. This should avoid the possibility of browser timeouts during lengthy data transfers.
  • If errors occur, the importer will automatically download an Error file to your computer. This file will show you the name, line number and the reason for the error.

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