WYSIWYG Format Tool - Headers & Buttons

Formatting Basics

  • The Header tags (Header 1, Header 2, etc.) should give the reader an idea of the information they can glean from the content that follows. Header 2s (aka H2s) are like book chapters, describing the main topics. H3s to H6s serve as sub-headings.
  • The H1 should be used only ONE TIME per page for best SEO - and it needs to be the title of the page. If you're using the Title Module, it will already be set to H1. If, for some reason, you chose to hide the title module, you can add one H1 to a Text/Gallery module.
  • Headers break up the text on the page and make it easily scannable. Few users will read an article word-for-word - most people scan the page for what they need.
  • For more detail on this topic, we suggest How to use header tags: SEO best practices

Create a Button

The formatting tool has another, unique option which empowers you to convert a plain, text link into a button. It takes just a few steps - but they need to be followed in a specific order or the button won't work properly. 

First, select the text you’re linking from..

Second, add the link to the text. You'll have the option to Open the link in a new tab, which we recommend if the link is navigating users away from your site.

Third, with the text still selected, use the Formatting tool (backwards P) and scroll to the bottom to select Default Button...

This results in a linked button, styled to match your site theme:

Don't forget to Save your changes!

Then View the page and test the button to ensure it's working as expected.

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