Pulse - Action Required
The Action Required widget on the Pulse page will show you that new photos or form submissions are available for your review.
Spark location:
Active when you see a pulsing white triangle with an orange exclamation mark in your Spark navigation (next to Pulse), OR see the Action Required widget on your Pulse page.
Photo notifications
- Click "Event photo"
- On the resulting page, click the orange NEW button to review a submitted photo, this will take you to the event page associated with the photo.
- To approve the photo, click the media module (shown below)
- Select "User Images" and click the "Approved Selected" button at the bottom
If you approve it, the photo will be added to the gallery associated with that event page and the user will receive an email. If you delete it there is no other action taken.
Form notifications
- Click "Forms to export"
- On the resulting page, when you see an orange highlighted date, hover over the form name and you can print, email or export the submission.