Site Settings - Account

We recommend that you check this page annually to confirm it's up-to-date. 

The Organization Name entered is displayed automatically in various places throughout your site, include your Privacy, Terms & Cookies page, as well as on any receipts or emails which are sent from the site.

Spark location:

Tools > Site Settings > Account


Default Email Address - We recommend you use an email address with the same domain as your website to ensure that confirmations and emails generated by the website are delivered to the recipient's inbox. Ex: If your website is '' the email address should be ''

Email(s) to Receive Orders - if your site is using SaffireCommerce™, this email will receive notifications every time a purchase goes through. You can notify multiple addresses by separating them with a comma. Also, additional notification emails can be added at the product level, if you want certain products to notify specific people.


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