Businesses dashboard

The Business dashboard is the master control for your business listings. You can add & edit businesses, filter & sort the list, and manage multiple businesses all at once.


Spark location: Businesses

Create new business

Actions provides functionality which can be applied to individual listings or multiple listings simultaneously, depending on which are check-marked 

  • Make listed & Make unlisted determine whether businesses are visible in the site navigation - these do not turn off access to a listing for anyone with the actual URL
  • Make "our pick" & Remove "our pick" determine whether businesses are featured with a 'star' icon in the business listings
  • Move To... allows you to change the business category
  • Add To... allows you to include a business in additional categories
  • Deactivate turns off all site access to a business page

Active determines the site mode(s) shown in the event list 

  • Active will show only businesses which are currently active
  • Inactive will show only businesses which are currently inactive
  • All will show all of your businesses regardless of their site mode

 Filters can be applied individually or combined to focus the list

  • Category narrows the list to a single category
  • Listed narrows the list to strictly listed businesses
  • Unlisted narrows the list to strictly unlisted businesses

 More provides additional settings:

  • Edit Listing Views 
    This allows you to select which types of views are available in your business listings, as well as the filter orientation. If you're not familiar with the views, click the VIEW PAGE button, then on your listings page click each of the icons displayed below the BUSINESSES title to see the display differences. Most sites leave all the Available Views checked. But only one of them can be the default view which is loaded when you first arrive at the listings!

    Changing the filter orientation to horizontal moves the icons, selectors, categories, and tags to a single bar above the listings, which allows the events to spread the full width of the page. Here's an example using the vertical setting:

    and here's the same page using the horizontal setting:
    (note: categories changes to a dropdown menu)
  • Edit Text/Gallery Heading allows you to post a text intro with a photo gallery or video above your business listings.
  • Add/Edit Custom Field gives you the option of adding custom data fields to all of your business listings. For example, you could add 'Karaoke Night' if this is common at local nightspots, yet on various days & times. It just creates a field to be completed, and if left empty it does not appear.
  • Event Templates opens the template manager where you can build and/or edit your event page starting points.

Search allows you to quickly find businesses by keyword. Names will appear below the search box as you type, and you can arrow-down or hover-over and click when you see what you're looking for. The search is not really seeking words - it's matching character strings. So, your search results might pull up businesses which seem out of place, yet the characters are matching a word or partial word in the listing text.

View Page will open a new browser tab to display your website business listings

Export / Export by Date allow you to download your business data for use in a spreadsheet
Import allows you to import business data from a spreadsheet

Business Listings

The Checkbox is used with the Actions, Active and/or Filters tools (described above). Any number of businesses can be checked at a time.

The Star icon triggers whether a business is flagged as 'Our Pick' in the listings. Gold means it's picked, gray means it's not.

The Listed icon triggers whether a listing is shown in your site navigation. Green means it's listed, gray means it's not.

The icon displays if an event has items for sale.

Hover over a business name to manage details of that listing

  • QuickEdit gives you access to the basic details without leaving the list
  • Edit opens the full editing window for a listing
  • View opens a new browser tab to display the business page on your site
  • Copy duplicates a listing and adds 'Copy#' to the title
  • Deactivate makes a listing inaccessible on your site

up/down triangles will sort the list in ascending or descending order according to the column you've chosen

Category & Subcategory columns display the categories associated with each business

New icon appears when there are new image submissions for you to review. Click the icon to view the image(s)

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