Code lookup / Purchases Report

The SaffireTix code lookup allows you to search any QR code that has been created in Spark.

You can find this page under Commerce> Reports > Code Lookup.

Once you know the QR Code, you can look it up in the search box.  If the QR code has been created in the system, it will display that QR code's entire history; the product status, redemption rules, and each time that code has been scanned with the result of the scan.


The Purchases Report is the dashboard to see every receipt for purchases made on your website. You can search, filter, cancel, save and print receipts, print the entire report and export two different formats of this report.

Spark Location: Commerce> Reports > Purchases 


  1. Select the Show dropdown to find receipts based on a specific product category or product. You can also use the Filters dropdown to find more specific receipts
  2. Select a Start and End date to find receipts within a specific time period
  3. Search receipt order number, customer name, email address to help find a receipt in this report
  4. Hover over an Order # to take action on that specific receipt


    1. View Receipt will give you a new window to view the receipt in, from there you can still Print, Save or Print SaffireTix Tickets
    2. Print Receipt will open a new browser tab for you to print the page from
    3. Save Receipt will download the receipt as a PDF for you to save to your computer
    4. Print Mailing Label allows you to print mailing labels on an Avery 5160 label, select the first sticker you want to print on and a PDF will be generated for you to print
    5. Cancel will cancel and refund an order. Depending on how long ago a purchase was made, your Virtual Merchant provider (maybe PayPal Pro,, etc.) will either say the order has been "refunded" or the purchase was pending but "not fulfilled"

Purchases Report Export - The Purchases Report Export Details allows you to export a spreadsheet, with a breakdown of each purchase in its own individual row. It will include all the billing, shipping, and price details for that order. The billing address and shipping address will show in the export as well as the tax total, fee total, subtotal, and total of the purchase.

You can also see promo codes and discounts in the Purchases Report. there is a column showing the Promo Code that was used for the product (if applicable) and a column showing the total discount of the order.


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