General Admission tickets - Inventory & Codes tab
STEP THREE for creating/editing a general admission (GA) ticket product in SaffireTix™
This feature is not activated on all sites.
Spark location: Commerce > Products > Add Product
Other steps: General tab | Sales tab | Inventory & Codes tab | Redemption tab | Ticket Face tab
The Inventory & Codes tab allows you to add in specific inventory numbers for your General Admission products, manage Box Office rules, and create QR code batches for the product.
There are two options for Inventory. Unlimited or an Inventory limit. If Inventory is selected, you must input a Total Quantity available for that product. When customers start purchasing the ticket, the quantity limit number will go down and the Buy Now button will automatically remove itself when the Total Quantity = 0.
There is the ability to create an Inventory Threshold for Online and Box Office. This will show the remaining quantity of tickets for both Online and Box Office. Check the box to "Show remaining inventory threshold" for Online and/or Box Office. The remaining inventory will begin to show when it reaches the number you enter in the field.
The Box Office option allows you to choose whether you want to "Generate codes on purchase" and "Auto redeem on purchase". Generating codes on purchase would be used if you were printing out/generating tickets as you're selling them and Auto redeeming tickets on purchase would be used if you're not printing QR codes on purchases.
If you select the option to "Create Pre-Printed Batch", that allows you to create QR codes that you're able to print onto pre-printed tickets. When selecting this option, you are required to name the batch, select the price type for the batch, add any notes, pricing (the pricing can be hidden on the ticket), and either create or import codes by either Quantity or Range. If you select "Quantity", you are required to enter a number.
When creating codes by Quantity, put in the number of codes you want to create and select "Save & Print". This will create random, system-generated codes.
If you want a specific code range per product, By Range will require a Code Prefix, Code Start and End Number. Once you've finished adding in this information, select "Save & Print".
You can reprint batches of tickets by hovering over the batch date. You can also check the box to the left of the batch date and select "Export" in the Actions dropdown. This will generate a spreadsheet of all codes and labels in that batch AND include the URL to the ticket directly. This makes it easy to email links to tickets to sponsors, promoters, etc.
The Import option allows you to import a spreadsheet of codes or labels if you want further specifications on your tickets/products.