Code Bank (when applicable)

If you work with another company that needs to use bar codes other than our QR codes on your tickets, please talk to your coach about enabling Code Bank on your site and ensuring the codes that are uploaded will work with our system.

Code Bank is located under Commerce > SaffireTix > Code Bank.

The first thing to do is create categories for your Code Bank lists. This allows you to create multiple Code Bank lists for each product you need unique bar codes for. Select the Add Category button in the top left corner. This will pull up a pop up where you can also download our Code Bank template and import your codes. 

After entering the Category, select Save & Continue, click on Import, choose your file from your desktop, and select Import again. Then hit Save & Close.

Make sure all the codes are in one column and input one code per row (we support .xlsx files only).

Once you've imported your new codes, you can assign those codes to specific products. To do this, go to Commerce > Products and hover over the product name to edit the product. Select the Inventory & Codes tab and make sure "Use Code Bank" has been checked. Then, choose the correct Category from the Code Category drop down list. 

You're able to track the Total Codes and codes that are Available within this tab. You can also see this under Commerce > SaffireTix Code Bank. You are also able to enable nightly notifications by checking the "Enable Notifications" box and entering all emails who want to receive nightly notifications of the code bank status to ensure enough codes are left for the product being sold.

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