+ Add a new link
There are a number of reasons why you might provide a link within the navigation of your website:
- Allow users to get to a page that "lives" under a different navigation section
- Link to another website from your navigation
- Link to a form/event page within your website directly from your navigation
Spark location: Site Map or Site Map drop down > Add a New Link
When you click the button or the drop down for + ADD A NEW LINK a new window will pop up. Here are the different settings:
- Link Text - how this link will read in your navigation on the customer site. Choose something short and to the point.
- URL - we always recommend pasting in the URL so you ensure no errors
- Unlisted - check this box if you're not ready for this link to be public, otherwise, leave it unchecked.
- Open in new window - we recommend that you check this box if you're linking to a website or page that is not within your website. If you're simply linking to another page within your own website, you can uncheck this box.
- SAVE when you're ready!