Media module

The Media Module is included by default on all Event and Business pages, and it's not available for dynamic pages - so it won't appear as an option among the modules you can add. 

This module is where the main photo/video for an event/business appears, and where user-submitted images will appear.

Upload the first image to this module during the Add Event/Business process:

Edit the Event or Business page and click into the Media module to begin editing.


You can ADD IMAGE(S) or ADD VIDEO(S), and drag & drop them in order you want them to display


  • The first image/video in the Media module will automatically be the image which appears on your event schedule or business listing, and - when selected - on your homepage feature. 
  • Regardless of the display settings in the module, the image will always appear cropped to a square for use in the event or business listings. This maintains layout continuity on the listing pages.
  • Check the box for Allow media share via email to let your users to email the image and page information to a friend.
  • Check the box for Allow media share via social media to let your users create social media posts with your page information! 

User Images

Your users can upload their own images to your pages. These images will not automatically appear on your website, you get to approve or delete them.

  • To quickly approve images, check the box to the left of the image and select APPROVE SELECTED. 
  • To reject a photo, click on the thumbnail and select DELETE on the resulting window
  • Toggle between Approved and Pending images with the dropdown on the right.

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