Boca Lemur-X Driver Installation

Do not plug in the printer until the driver has been installed

(1) Download the Printer Driver

  2. Go to Downloads Folder
  3. Right Click on Boca Zip Folder and click extract all then confirm Extract
  4. When the Pop-Up opens double click Boca_Systems> BocaPrinterDrivers
  5. Right Click on dpinstx64.exe and click Run As Administrator
  6. Select Yes and proceed through setup confirming everything
  7. Lastly, click Finish

(2) Printer Settings in Windows

  1. Go to Start menu and type “Printers”, then click “Printers & Scanners”
  2. Plug in printer to the designated printer port (make sure printer is connected to power)
  3. In the list of Printers you should see BOCA appear
  4. Click on that printer > Printer Preferences
  5. Change orientation to Landscape
  6. Click Advanced…
  7. Change Paper Size to “P1 – Rotate 180”
  8. Change Haftoning to “SuperCell”
  9. Click OK > Apply > OK

(3) Download Configuration Tool

  2. Go to Downloads Folder
  3. Right Click on Boca Zip Folder and click extract all then confirm Extract
  4. When the Pop-Up opens double clickconfigure_boca
  5. Double click “configurebocainstaller”
  6. Proceed through install confirming everything until finally hitting finish
  7. There should now be a shortcut on the desktop called “Configure”

(4) Setup Configuration tool

  1. Double click the configuration tool shortcut on desktop
  2. In the upper left “select a printer” drop down select “Printer Driver”
  3. When the pop-up appears select Boca from the printer dropdown and select OK
  4. In the bottom of the 2nd column from the right click the “DriverPreferences” button
  5. When the Pop-up appears make sure both drop down menus are set to “P1 rotate180” then click Apply > OK

(5) Setting Chrome Default Printer

  1. This last step will need to be done whenever switching between Microcom andBoca printers because it will default to thelast printer used.
  2. Open Google Chrome using the regular browser not the kiosk or box officelink we setup
  3. Go to the client ticketing portal you want to test print from
  4. Login and hit Esc
  5. Click Test Print Button
  6. When Printer popup appears select for the browser to print from the Bocaprinter, Leave all other settings.
  7. Test Print and you should be set
  8. After this last step this PC will only print with a Boca Printer plugged ifchanging to a microcom printer this needs to be done again but instead selectthe microcom printer from the list of printers when test printing

When there are two instances of a printer

  1. Unplug the printer
  2. Open Printers & Scanners App
    1. click on printer from list
    2. select manage
    3. click on remove
    4. click ok to removing
  3. Plug the printer back in
  4. Repeat sections 2-4 above

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