Intro to Reports

This is where the power of SaffireTix really comes alive. The dream of ecommerce is being able to electronically sell your products, manage your transactions, and analyze the data you've captured. The reporting suite within SaffireTix provides the tools you need to scrutinize every aspect of your sales process.

Spark location: Commerce > Reports > [report name]


The Purchases Report is the dashboard for viewing all transactions processed through your site. You can search, filter, cancel, modify, save and print receipts and tickets. You can print the entire report, and export the data in two different formats.


This allows you to view all sales that have happened for your events. It can break down your sales into a variety of views with filtering for categories, product types, sellers, locations,chanels, payment types and transaction types. You also can export the results.


The Inventory Report can be viewed by various types and filters, displaying tickets available, on hold, invoiced, and sold.


View your redemptions by date range, narrowed by types and filters. When viewing by product, you'll see two tallies: Codes Redeemed represent the individual codes - Total Redemptions represent codes which allow for multiple redemptions.


This report separates your Sold and Unsold inventory, offering a gross potential revenue calculation. It displays totals for the entire history of each product.


A cashier's report provides details about the transactions, sales, and financial activities conducted by a cashier during a specific period, ensuring accuracy in financial transactions. It includes information such as the total sales, payments received, refunds processed, and any discrepancies in cash handling.

Failed Transaction

This provides great insight when a customer is struggling to complete a sale on your site. It captures the date, time, and customer info, and displays the source & failure reason they're experiencing.

Failed Scan

The failed scan report allows you to view, print, export, or email any failed redemption which occurs on the SaffireTix app.

Code Lookup

You can search any QR code that has been created in Spark to check it's status.

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