What is Onsite Support?

Whether you're brand new to 'Rocking the Blue'1 and needing first-time onsite training, or a long-time partner who sleeps better knowing we'll be on hand at your events, we can help. Our Onsite Support crew can take some weight off your shoulders and boost your team's confidence in using SaffireTix.

What Exactly IS Onsite Support? Let's Break It Down:

1. Pre-event setup

Our team can help with unpacking equipment, checking the inventory, preparing devices for deployment, and troubleshooting any unexpected hiccups.

2. Empowering Your Event Staff

We take pride in how quickly we can train your event staff to master SaffireTix - whether your team is selling tickets at the box office or scanning admission at the gates.

3. Navigating Spark with Ease

We can guide you through essential tasks such as editing sales and redemption rules on products, along with creating or editing users and locations. We'll also train you in the art of searching and editing orders from the purchases report, plus we'll show you how the sales report will quickly become your new best friend.

The Key to a Smooth Event Operation:

While we're passionate about supporting Saffire hardware and services, it's important to note that our onsite team is not present to manage the event operations. We encourage you to designate a staff member to become the SaffireTix expert – mastering opening and closing procedures. This not only empowers your team to feel smart and successful but also ensures a seamless experience without the need for extended support hours.

Let's Make Your Event Unforgettable!

We believe that the success of your event is a collaborative effort. With our onsite support, you're not just getting a service – you're securing a partner dedicated to elevating your event experience. If you have any questions or are interested in signing up for onsite support, contact your Ticketing Account Manager today!

1 Referencing how our clients often embrace Saffire's blue branding.

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